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full album

Accompaniment backing tracks and guide vocal demonstrations of selections from the musical Company. Download instrumental accomaniments and backing music for musical theater.

Full Album

$29.95 or License for Theater ($600)

Songs Included

Note: Theater license is for the songs included below. No additional tracks are provided.
Track previews contain a watermark every few seconds. Purchased files do not contain any watermarking.

1. Overture
guide vocal track from Company

2. Company
guide vocal track from Company

3. The Little Things You Do Together
guide vocal track from Company

4. Sorry-Grateful
guide vocal track from Company

5. You Could Drive a Person Crazy
guide vocal track from Company

6. Have I Got a Girl for You
guide vocal track from Company

7. Someone Is Waiting
guide vocal track from Company

8. Another Hundred People
guide vocal track from Company

9. Getting Married Today
guide vocal track from Company

10. Marry Me a Little
guide vocal track from Company

11. Side by Side by Side
guide vocal track from Company

12. Poor Baby
guide vocal track from Company

13. Barcelona
guide vocal track from Company

14. The Ladies Who Lunch
guide vocal track from Company

15. Being Alive
guide vocal track from Company

16. Overture
accompaniment track from Company

17. Company
accompaniment track from Company

18. The Little Things You Do Together
accompaniment track from Company

19. Sorry-Grateful
accompaniment track from Company

20. You Could Drive a Person Crazy
accompaniment track from Company

21. Have I Got a Girl for You
accompaniment track from Company

22. Someone Is Waiting
accompaniment track from Company

23. Another Hundred People
accompaniment track from Company

24. Getting Married Today
accompaniment track from Company

25. Marry Me a Little
accompaniment track from Company

26. Side by Side by Side
accompaniment track from Company

27. Poor Baby
accompaniment track from Company

28. Barcelona
accompaniment track from Company

29. The Ladies Who Lunch
accompaniment track from Company

30. Being Alive
accompaniment track from Company